Thursday, September 8, 2011

NYC -- The Big Apple!

 Hmmmm…..What comes to mind when I think or hear the words New York City? I think of busy streets, flashing lights, buildings that seem to touch the sky, and lots of noise. I think New York City is one of the most exciting cities in the world; it’s the place where everything happens. It’s the city that never sleeps. NYC has it all from Amusement Parks to Zoos, a big mixing pot with a variety of cultures and religions. The biggest false impression most people make is thinking that by going right to 42nd street and Time Square they are experiencing the city. Wrong! NYC has so much history and sights to offer. It’s also the place many people come to for an opportunity to make their dreams come true.
   NYC is made up of a very diverse population. I am very grateful for this because I love food and there are massive amounts of restaurants for me to choose from. Since I am West Indian and my ancestors are from East India, there are many places I can find this type of food in any of the five boroughs and Long Island. I love to try the different varieties from Italian to Spanish to the best Chinese food in NYC. I can eat something different everyday for months. NYC also offers lots of shopping. The fashion that NYC bestows is world class. Just window-shopping through the fashion district alone you see all the different styles for the present season from all around the world. NYC was the start of fashion week and now its present worldwide. Some of these fanatical fashions that are portrayed on the mannequins make some of us wonder, “who on this planet would ever wear some of these things?”
   With all that this beautiful city has to offer, I can’t wait to take this class to experience some of it. I know we can’t fit it all in in just 7 weeks but I am very excited. I lived in Queens for many years and have yet to experience all it has to offer. When I think of going into Brooklyn all I can see is what the TV portrays. I am looking forward to seeing what the borough of Brooklyn really has to present. NYC is a very fast pace environment. To some NYC is home, to me NYC is home. I am really looking forward to being educated with hands on experience in the upcoming weeks and so grateful I will not have to learn it all from reading books.


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