Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Its Just Good-Bye for Now - Until We Meet Again

       Oh no, I can’t believe it’s all over. This was the one class I really looked forward to every Friday morning. This was an awesome class. Every Friday was a new adventure, a new part of New York City to explore. While all my other classmates are probably now home on Fridays catching up on sleep and enjoying their day off, I am now back at work. This four credit class is unlike any other. We definitely did not still in a boring classroom for three hours. We had a different scenic classroom every week and the six or seven hours of class was far from boring.  Mike and Meritta made these seven weeks the most memorable of any class. We got a chance to visit some of the places that none of us knew existed or would ever visit. It was amazing to learn about the history of New York City and how it came to be. It has changed and developed and gentrified so much that our generation and many tourists get the prospect to experience New York City and its fine rich diverse culture that you won’t find anywhere else on earth.
            My mind-set about New York City has immensely changed after this class. I now have a broader appreciation for New York City after my different experiences within these past seven weeks. I’ve always had a special love for New York and I love to visit the city but after this class I have a new love for New York. I learned and experience so much in such a short time span. I find myself always talking about my Friday class and the places I experienced and how much fun it was and the history behind it. I have already recommended other students to take this class, telling them if they don’t take it they have no idea what a spectacular experience they are missing out on and telling many other people about the places they have to visit and the new cuisines they have to try. I know over the summer I will definitely be heading back to some of those places to spend more time and soak in the familiarity. I have now also introduced a few people to Thai Food and definitely plan on heading back to YUM YUM Bangkok for a dinner date and then over to Amy’s Bakery for dessert. This class was a mixture of everything and the class would not be half as much fun if it wasn’t for my classmates. Even though we all came from different cultures and different backgrounds, we were all one great unified class. We all stuck together, looked out for each other and just had a blast.
            This was such an incredible, unbelievable, most awesomest class I’ve ever taken. I gained a lot of knowledge and exposure to the cultures that make up New York City, but most of all I gained a class load of valuable friends that will be missed dearly. We will try to all keep in touch and we see some faces around campus but when our lives get crazy busy we lose touch. I hope to have another fun adventurous get together soon with everyone like we did on our last night at Red Lion. This was such an enjoyable, pleasant experience and I just want to thank my professors and classmates for making this one I will never forget.

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